People say "Life doesn't give you do overs" but GOD DOES! For years I have thought to myself if I had it to do all over again I would have been more focused on the precious children God blessed me with more than with any marriage I was in! That I would have embraced the opportunities to go to London and other parts of Germany to praise the Lord instead of staying home out of fear! That I would not have walked away from a job that was truly ministry work to delve into addiction AGAIN! That I would not indulge in my years long, life consuming self- indulgent flesh fest but instead crucified my flesh so that the Spirit of God within me could not only grow but shine BOLDLY! God has blessed me with a DO OVER! So no matter what anyone may think, feel, speculate or assume I profess BOLDLY that GOD IS BETTER THAN GOOD! Now I have the priceless opportunity to PUT MY LIFE WHERE MY HEART IS! I declared it in January 2019 #nosaltpillars
THINK IT'S A GAME if you want to, like I did! So TRULY GRATEFUL TO MY LORD & SAVIOUR JESUS THE CHRIST FOR EVERYTHING IN THIS SEASON OF LIFE TRANSFORMATION! Yes it is possible to be celibate! Yes it is possible to be drug and alcohol free! Yes it is possible to surrender your will in exchange for God's! Yes it is possible to truly trust God, to fast in order to hear from Him, to live in this world but not be of this world! I am SO full!!!! All things are possible with God! That is not just a cute saying, cliche or memory verse. It is the true, infallible Word of the God of creation and I am and shall continue to praise Him as He continues to shower down His grace, mercy and love upon his beloved daughter Charisse! No what ifs......just basking in the glory of God!!!! So just in case you are one of those "negative Nancy's" who would rather rely on your messed up mind instead of the mind of Christ, just keep your discouraging, carnal, ignorant comments/ thoughts to yourself! To quote MY gospel rap song entitled " Praise Him"........
"I'ma keep going even when my flesh acts up
He brought me way too far to stress over all this foolish stuff
No weapon formed against me gonna get no more play
I just keep praising HIM for real no matter what "they" say"
