Publicly Secluded Together
Written & Lived By Us
Dedicated to all my friends off and on Facebook, alive and gone that forever in my heart will continue to live on (and especially to the other odd balls who like me will love the words that follow………) 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Misunderstood not so much
More like misrepresented
As a skunk drenched in perfume
Who you’d call misscented
Life by definition is to be
The catalyst of being alive
Despite this for some it’s not true
They struggle to even thrive
Not the man or woman or child
That you pass on the street
Not even the homeless couple
Whose eyes you fight not to meet
More often it’s the other ones
You hug and call your friends
Unknowingly secluded
Deep in the trenches once again
They smile and talk and laugh
So you assume they are fine
Never realizing in actuality
They are morbidly sublime
While you worry with concern for others
Who seem to be off a bit
Til suddenly astounded
By the sight of darkness unlit
So many suffer in silence
They’re not the ones you think
So love each and every person
Before six feet deep you sink
Ne’er-do-well in one season
Flourishing in the next
Conversations daunting
Along with subliminal texts
We barely know our own truth
Let alone that if another
Whether regarded as your bff
Or even your father or mother
Looks can be deceiving
Which we all know is true
Gif forbid the one being deceived
Actually is you
They say real recognizes real
Which is a catchy cliché
More accurately we realize
Soul recognizes soul each day
Confused about this soliloquy
Then read it over again
Enamoring midsummer’s night dream
Proverbially will never end
Words are so very powerful
They can be described as potent
Yet to someone else they may
Be as repulsive as a rodent
Playing on words and with them
Is definitely a thrill
When readers wonder to themselves
What is and is not real
Publicly secluded within itself
Sounds ridiculous to some
While others reading and re-reading
Know exactly where I’m coming from
Coming from now going
To a place full of peace and love
Enjoying the freedom words elicit
As they surround hearts like a glove
Done with obsequious banter
The art of poetically expressing exceeds
Through pen and paper or online
Our hearts together intertwine instead of bleed