No, the title was not a grammatical error. A fdw days ago a close friend of mine was talking about RESILIENCY. I asked her about her use of the word, thinking to myself would I need to change all of my writings that contain the word RESILIENCE to RESILIENCY. Her response was a game changer for me. She stated that just as we are never in a state of being RECOVERED but continue our RECOVERY that RESILIENCY is the ongoing, constant state of being resilient. Wow! So seemingly simple but powerful. The day before as I was meeting one on one with someone and shared the serenity prayer with them I became aware of my NEED to apply and utilize the many spiritual principles in my life that I have known about since 2008. I realized earlier in the week my need to assess myself and follow that assessment with action! This has been a very life changing week for me. I see growth! I see maturity! I am actually adulting!!!! 44 years young with five children ages 26,23,21,19 and 15 in addition to two grandsons ages 2 and 4 I am FINALLY actively, mentally, organically becoming an adult! Maybe saying I am conscious of and not fighting against adulting as if it were the black plague of my adulthood! I will share more on this later but wanted to end with the serenity prayer with the words I added many years ago. Thank you Charisse circa 2012 for this....I needed it! SHALOM
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things that I can not change
(As my life you rearrange)
The courage to change the things that I can
(As you firmly hold my hand)
And the wisdom to know the difference
(Without my self directed interference)

Photo courtesy of Nick Fewings