I taught a class at my church recently and the topic was "The Example of The Example." What that means is as each of us look back over our lives, the majority of major and also minor life events that we now recognize as positive did not, in most cases, follow the trajectory that we wanted, expected or planned. With that fact we are able to shift our perspective moving forward based on the previous examples that may have included detours that we wanted to bypass, paths that caused us to cry and roads that we did not want to take. This allows us a newfound freedom to squash unreal expectations and walk joyfully and boldly in the blessing of each new day, confident that everything will be okay! We will be okay! Difficult situations such as divorce, loss of a loved one, losing a job we loved, etc. are DIFFICULT! That can not be denied! Yet in retrospect we are able to see how even those difficulties that we thought would break us actually propelled us to a new level, a new realization, a new mindset, and ultimately a new perspective!
Shake up your life: how to change your own perspective
Updated: Aug 14, 2021