It may just be me, but have you ever returned home after work only to be shocked and surprised by the state of your house or bedroom? This has happened to me lately especially on the days that I am rushing to get myself and my grandsons ready by 7:45! When I return home, the first time it really struck me I honestly thought someone had been there and ransacked my room! This morning I was reflecting on this and realized I needed to share THE POWER OF PERSPECTIVE! My mindset and perspective leaving home in the mornings is very different than my mindset and perspective when I return home in the evenings. What made an impression on me today was the correlation of leaving and returning to my room and my past and present/ future. In the moments of my past I perceived each situation or occurrence one way. Looking back and revisiting those same occurrences later they were perceived totally different in most cases.
What's my point? When we become aware of the power of perspective we harness an amazingly simple ability to see not only our day to day lives but ourselves, situations, circumstances, trials, tribulations, victories and losses through a more realistic lens. Why is this important? Once we see things clearly as they actually are instead of being unknowingly tainted through a rose colored or dimly lit lens we can hopefully make better decisions, identify our actual needs and wants as well as handle life's terms in more healthy, non-traumatizing ways.