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Writer's pictureCharisse Parker

You Didn't Cause It & You Can't Stop It- Part 1

I just shared something with someone which they thanked me for. My response was " No thanks necessary for love." I have said that to different people in different situations. Actually as I prepared to write this I disagreed with that statement when it comes to God because we are to give thanks. Also as a tired yet grateful mother of five and grateful grandmother of two, a thank you ever so often is much appreciated. One of the times when it has been a valid statement in my life has been when I have done something for someone I sincerely love out of nothing but pure love, care and concern. In that case I just thought of something else that becomes true- the fact that they did not cause it and they can not stop it! My daughter for example did not do anything in early 1999 to make me love her while she was growing in utero as she also can NEVER do anything to cause my unwavering love for her to end!

I don't know about you but that thought immediately made me think about my Heavenly Father! The Creator of unconditional love! No one has ever in the history of the world done something that caused God to love them! In actuality most things we do would have the opposite effect and lead us further away from HIM BUT GOD! God is good all the time, even though we are NOT!

Now back to this "no thanks necessary for love" concept. Motive plays an enormous part. If someone does a kind act straight from their heart, even if the recipient is ungrateful and downright rude in many cases no thanks are necessary because they wouldn't be offered anyway. On the flip side if the kind act is done with any motive that is supposed to elicit a specific response there wouldn't be a reply of NTNFL unless you are possibly dealing with a narcissist whose main goal was to force a NTNFL

Let's go back to God now and those who can honestly say NTNFL to someone wholeheartedly. Typically their motive is actually one that is not selfish at all, but that will inevitably lead the recipient to stop and think. That leads to deep thought followed by an increased empathy for others and ultimately them having a heart to do the same for someone else. The world calls it paying it forward. In the spiritual realm we call it one of the many forms of discipleship.


(Image courtesy of Emmanuel Phaeton)

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